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Sunday, November 21, 2010
         Next time.......

          Next time I would take the path less traveled
And march.... No....
          I'd saunter to the beat of my drum.
Next time I would dismiss that irrational fear as own hang up.
          Next time defeat would not come at me
As a swift horse on the open plains.
Next time I would be there for the birth of my daughter, and next time I would persevere in a struggling relationship. Next time I would tell my friends and family how much I really love them.
Next time I would be there for those who needed me and next time I would care.
Next time I would make that uncomfortable phone call cause next time there would be no need to dial your number. Next time I will confront my issues and next time i will be more introspective.... Next time.... Next time I'd start now... Next time I wouldn't change a thing. Next time i would be a man straight outta the gate, be a real father, next time i wont lie cheat steal and rob. Next time ill pass on addiction.... Nah... Next time I'd do it all again cause next time i might not come out on top and next time I might not get to be the me I am becoming. Next time I might miss out on travails and adversity thus making me a stronger person. Next time I'd wait... Next time I would exercise discernment. Next time I wouldn't hurt my self my friends my family. Next time I'd love myself more, next time I would have a feeling of self worth.. Next time i will be proud of myself and my abilities... Next time i won't sell myself short, next time I will believe in
me like every one else did.. Next time I won't regret next time thee can be mo regret. Ther really is no next time for me. Next time I will act upon the fourth fifth and six chances afforded me by the graces extended towards me by the ones who love me.
          Next time i would live forever..
Next time i wouldn't hurt and I'd stop time
          and time would be tomorrow I'll try again.
Next time I would be more me and less you.
          Next time I'll have opinion and
Next time I will have a foundation on which I stand
          And next time I shall be resolute in my convictions
Next rhyme the I AM I....
          Next time imma gonna stand up
And next time I will make sure I am accounted for
          Beacuse next time i will be a person of substance and not of abuse.
Next time look out, cause next time I dream bigger and change the world and next time there shall be no If's maybes and mights cause next time imma gonna make it happen. Next time i live.. Next time it will be for always...forever and for always.. Next time I will be about eternity.