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Thursday, September 29, 2011
Hello all! 
Welcome back to a whole new school year!
What does a new school year incite within us? Change, Beauty, Happiness, Grievances? 
Maybe none of these or all of them?
 No matter how you're feeling about the new school year, Linn Benton Community College's Poetry Club is here and waiting for you to come check us out. 

Let me introduce myself.
My name is Mira, and I am the new communications officer, and I'm thrilled.

Our first meeting back was a huge success. We gained a new club officer (me!), discussed events and partnerships for the club, and  got to know one another. 
And thanks to LBCC poet laureate Ruth Krueger, we even established a prompt for the week. 

"Change or change of season, literally or metaphorically."

September Visitors

by David Budbill
I'm glad to see our friends come:
talk, laughter, food, wine.
I'm glad to see our friends go:
solitude, emptiness, gardens, autumn wind.
Please send me all poems, ideas, thoughts, videos, etc, so that we can share them here on the blog, or in the club! 
We will see you Tuesday, from 3-4 at the Hot Shot cafe on the Albany campus!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Mira is our new communications officer.  Please continue to email your poetry to: insidetheheartswalls@gmail.com.

Our meetings are each Tuesday at 3:00 pm at the Hot Shot cafe on the Albany Campus of LBCC.