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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hence: Chapter Seven,
"The Ineluctable Night".
Wildly pretentious.

Saturday, October 22, 2011
Does anyone ever feel bogged down by the pure 'have to' of it all?
The have to go to college, have to find a good degree, have to package yourself as an applicant they simply can't put down.
I just want to make crafts, make films, and do fashionable things. But, in college, doing those things doesnt really mean much. (excluding the fashion merchandising, that can be useful.)
I do very much believe in a higher education. But spending so much money on something you're only getting because everyone says you have to is a waste of time, money, and life.
Now, if you want to, email the poetry's club email, and tell me about your college degree, why you like it or don't, and whether you think it's useful or not. (it's insidetheheartswalls@gmail.com)
Well, rant completed. College search ongoing.
Over and out!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Have you ever read or seen haikus? Here's an example of a fantastic one! (in my opinion, at least)

Deer licking
First frost
From each other's coats

This week, find a haiku, continue writing from it, and create a poem. Some classic haiku writers: Issa, Basho, Buson.
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Here is a blanket statement for you all. If anything inspires you, whether it be nature, movies, books, or whatever, I implore you to send it to our email so I can post it on here to hopefully inspire others. This picture is from Sophia Coppola's movie Marie Antionette. To me, it is one of the most beautiful pieces of art, and inspires me immensely with my Filmmaking career.
Send me what inspires you!
I'm sorry for the late post, but sometimes homework and work gets the better of me. Anyways,
This weeks prompt may be as mystifying as homework can be, but hopefully, a lot more creatively rewarding.
Walking Home

Please join us this Tuesday from 3-4 at The Hot Shot cafe!
Sunday, October 9, 2011


Fog is hugging the mountain this morning,
That only yesterday basked in sunlight—
Misty, light, hovering fog—

I wonder how the mountain feels.
Does it miss the sun?
Does it see the fog?
Does it know that both fog and sun
Bring out its strength,
Its majesty?
Or does it see only clouds
And feel on dampness?

Every day I want to see beauty.
Every day I want to embrace the season.
Every day I want to know

Ruth Krueger
October, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Fall brings us many things; leaves, pumpkins, change, and, everyones favorite, rain!
 Infact, Rain is so important in our lives that it's this weeks prompt.
Our prompt was inspired by the poem below by Sherman Pearl. And always remember, every prompt deserves a poem.

 Delayed Reactions
By Sherman Pearl

After the hammer slams down on your thumb
or the hurtful word penetrates,
a stunned moment follows.

You’re like a soldier who feels no pain until he sees the wound.

Happiness, too, is sometimes slow to register.

It was years after the rain had sent
me and the girl huddled close to me dashing for cover
that I suddenly felt the drops.

Have a fantastically wet week, and we'll see you at our next poetry club meeting, Tuesday in the Hot Shot cafe at the Albany LBCC campus from 3-4!

When Innocence Bids Farewell
Blooming within the swells of her fledgling song
I am joy
That tender breath cascading a crimson slope
I’m her tiny hands

I’m the miracle of eye’s wide wonder
Can you feel my rhythm?
This deepening cadence psalm
Resounding within your caverns  

Wicked men, with swift arrows of hate
Slaughtered the frolicking fawn of her sighs
The only thing I loved
Left to wither with vermillion sieged from her blossoms

All dolled up like a toy she’ll never own
Yet her true canvas drips like wax in her mascara
Littering her gentle cheeks
With the spoils of their pleasure

Barely out of diapers, now in high heels
No one will feel the soft patter of her soul’s yearning
Or the resounding willows on the banks
Of where the wind dwells within her heart’s pastures

A shredded womb, chapped and lacerated with cracking whips
Adorned with a neck-laced noose, leashed like a mongrel dog
Property of the reaper, she bids me farewell
Forced to be a woman, she’s only four years old

~Gabriel Trovati